Our UK Wrap Platform provides a financially secure service designed for UK advisers, family offices, trustees, discretionary fund managers, and their top tier clients.
Advisers need to consider the suitability of a wrap platform for particular groups of clients. Platform One’s premium and bespoke UK service has been specifically developed with the HNW sector in mind.
Leading edge technology is underpinned with a refreshingly personal service. Access traditional, sophisticated and specialist financial products to meet the needs of your clients.
Platform One offers access to a wide choice of over 3,000 collective funds and investments including OEICs, unit trusts, ETFs, investment trusts and structured products as well as bonds, Gilts, equities and cash.
The support available from us is modern, professional and expert. Central to our values is that we will always treat you as we would expect to be treated ourselves.
It is simple to register as a professional adviser. We will guide you through the process and personally explain the many features that include for example, our on-line illustration tool and regular data reports that will be invaluable to your own client management and administration.
The UK service provides a transparent fee-based solution that is RDR compliant.
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